Hi, friend. I’m Morgan.

They tell me I have a curious spirit.

As a child, I misinterpreted that as being full of too many questions. As an adult, I've come to know it as one of my magical gifts and a skill that simply needed some honing.

Over the years my curiosity has led me down a winding path of creative expression and self-exploration, and has slowly guided me toward a life of deeper connection and meaning. It wasn’t a direction I intentionally embarked upon. That’s the thing about curiosity. It’s taken time for me to embrace my inquisitive nature and to find my footing as an ever-evolving human. 

My mind is often a swirl of wonderings, all focused on the hope of uncovering more beauty in the world, whether it be in the heart of the person sitting across from me or a physical space I’m transforming.

Amidst this swirl, there are two questions that frequently seem to be on the tip of my tongue. The first being, Why?

Why do our minds function the way they do? Why do we blindly follow in the footsteps of others? Why shouldn’t we pursue a different creative endeavor when we feel the call for something new? Why do we live within oppressive structures that try so hard to divide instead of unify?

The second, What happens when . . ?

What happens when we follow a creative spark? What happens when we learn how to slow down? What happens when we reclaim the wisdom that lives within our shadows? What happens when we reconnect with the cycles of nature? What happens when we stop resisting our gifts and embrace them to support each other?

All of this curiosity has a purpose. It holds a vision for what’s possible.

This is my offering to those I encounter—a reflection of the beauty I see, the beauty that already resides inside of you, and the beauty that lives in the world around us.

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful—that will be my life.”

— Elsie de Wolfe

My Story

A few years ago I reached complete burnout in both my career and personal life. At some point I got stuck in the “on” position, realized I had no clue what a boundary was, and genuinely thought I could and should solve all the problems of those around me.

Spoiler: this is not the ideal way to live.

I believe in many ways it was the universe’s way of saving me from what was sure to be a life steeped in exhaustion and self-abandonment. That burnout led me down a path of exploration, unlearning and shedding beliefs that no longer aligned with me, and opened my eyes to the possibility of living life with more intention.

Along the way, I discovered I have a passion and gift for introspection, embodiment work, and holistic approaches to emotional and spiritual wellness.

I’ve spent the last eight years actively learning how to rebuild my life in a way that not only aligns with my values but one that honors all parts of me. And amidst all of this personal work, my heart has been slowly guiding me down a path of learning how to support others who are on a similar journey.


If you keep on reading, you’ll quickly see that depth and meaningful connection is really important to me. That can be tricky when you meet like this, through a screen.

If we were meeting in person, I’d probably be asking you all sorts of questions about your life, your story, your sun/moon/rising, and what interests you these days. So, here are some things I’d probably share with you in return.

  • My name is Morgan, meaning “born of the sea.” A fitting name for such an emotional being that grew up spending her summers by the ocean. I like to think my mom intuitively knew this was my name as she watched Morgan Fairchild grace the screen in the ‘80s on a show called Falcon Crest.

    I was raised in Birmingham, Alabama and no matter what dreams I’ve held to discover other places, my life path has kept me tethered to my hometown. I live in a cute little house with my husband, Jordan, and our three cats: Hazel, Betty, and Bea. It has a lovely garden that has been one of my greatest teachers over the past few years.

    The only ancestry I’ve been able to trace in my lineage is in my matrilineal line. My ancestors roamed the land of Moravia and Bohemia—formerly Czechoslovakia—and as I’ve explored more of the culture, I have felt a spiritual connection to its magic. I hope to travel there some day.

  • At age seven, I declared I wanted to be an interior designer. I studied design in school and it’s followed me throughout my career in one way or another ever since.

    In my late 20s to early 30s, I gathered skills in leadership, management, and creative direction as I helped grow and operate a local retail business.

    In my mid 30s, I began my entrepreneurial journey which slowly led me down this path of self-exploration and offering guidance and support to others.

    Over the past 19+ years I’ve identified with many labels: interior designer, entrepreneur, leadership mentor, creative marketing director, human design reader, and community facilitator.

    I’ve had the opportunity to design beautiful spaces, help other entrepreneurs bring their creative visions to life, coach business owners on how to be more effective and compassionate leaders, host an intimate space for women to gather around healing, and invest in my own continuing education around an array of interests.

    My path has definitely been quite eclectic, and all of these experiences have helped shaped how I offer my own gifts back to the world. According to societal norms my path might seem disjointed, but to me it’s a beautiful web that is all interconnected, each step guiding me toward the next.

  • With my love for beauty and harmony, it’s no surprise that my Sun sits in the Venus-ruled sign of Libra. I deeply identify with the scales of balance that this energy carries and the thing that quickly sets my internal fire ablaze is witnessing the injustice of the world.

    My Virgo Moon sits in my 11th house of friends and community, working its organizational magic to offer emotional support to others.

    And then there’s my Scorpio rising who longs for depth. This focused, persistent, and powerful energy is something that I’ve learned is not for everyone. But for those who are willing to dive in with me, the journey can be one of great discovery and emotional wisdom.

  • From the lens of Human Design…

    I’m here to honor this lived experience as sacred, to deeply understand what it means to be human, to allow my life to continually shape and remold who I am, and to allow this wisdom to pour out of me so that it may inspire others to do the same.

    I’m here to help others reframe failure as an act of experimentation and an opportunity to shift into the next phase of self—to show them what it means to transform.

    I’m here to deeply breathe in the emotional experiences of others so that I can reflect back the source of wisdom I see in them.

    I’m here to follow my passions and respond to life in such a way that it ignites a fire in others to follow their own desires.

  • I grew up in a religious home, so I always thought religion and spirituality were intrinsically linked—that they were one and the same. It was a painful, confusing, and lonely process to untangle that teaching and to rediscover what spirituality actually means to me.

    After what felt like a lifetime of unlearning, I now hold a holistic view of spirituality. I’ve come to believe that pretty much anything in life can be a gateway to spiritual connection.

    The way I see it, spirituality is simply finding meaning and connection to life. I don’t believe there is only one way. For some it may be religion, but for many it takes on different forms. It might be admiring the bloom of a flower or in hearing the laughter of someone you love.

    It’s all around us. All we have to do is open to it.

  • Books

    The Madonna Secret by Sophie Strand

    Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life by Sharon Blackie


    Pulling the Thread with Elise Loehnen

    On Being with Krista Tippett

    Tarot for the Wild Soul with Lindsay Mack

    Each Other: a Human Design Podcast

Life these days…